
Why am I so weak after being sick?

Why am I so weak after being sick?

Fatigue is an overall feeling of tiredness or exhaustion. It's completely normal to experience it from time to time. But sometimes it can linger for weeks or months after you've been sick with a viral infection, such as the flu. This is known as post-viral fatigue.

How long does post viral fatigue last?

Post-viral fatigue, occurring after a severe viral infection can cause fatigue that may last up to six months.

How do you beat post viral fatigue?

Whether you're dealing with the common cold, the flu or a stomach bug, you've probably noticed that your symptoms feel worse at night. … Research suggests that your body's circadian rhythms—as well as some other factors—can exacerbate your symptoms after sundown.

What to eat to gain energy after being sick?

Once you're feeling better, choose healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins to help regain energy and nutrients. Eat fruits like blueberries, raisins and prunes; vegetables like spinach, kale and Brussels sprouts; and proteins like chicken, eggs, nuts and peanut butter.

How can I get my energy back?

Once you're feeling better, choose healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins to help regain energy and nutrients. Eat fruits like blueberries, raisins and prunes; vegetables like spinach, kale and Brussels sprouts; and proteins like chicken, eggs, nuts and peanut butter.

How do I regain strength?

What you eat is equally important when it comes to regaining muscle mass. The body needs protein to build new muscle, so eating high-protein foods like fish, chicken, turkey, and vegetables will enhance your strength-building efforts.

Why do I feel so weak after the flu?

It is well-known that muscle aches and weakness are prominent symptoms of influenza infection. … Thus, while you feel miserable when you have an influenza infection, you can rest assured that it is because your body is fighting hard. It's combating the spread of the virus in your lungs and killing infected cells.

Why am I so tired after having the flu?

Post-viral syndrome, or post-viral fatigue, refers to a sense of tiredness and weakness that lingers after a person has fought off a viral infection. It can arise even after common infections, such as the flu. … Some treatments and home remedies may relieve fatigue and help people manage their energy levels.