Why am I so stressed about school?

Why am I so stressed about school?

This can cause a stressful cycle where homework piles up and your child doesn't have the time or energy to complete it all—leading to even more stress. Whether it's advanced-level classes or the amount of studying required, a heavy workload can be a major source of stress for students.

Is school too stressful?

When people deal with too much stress as teenagers, it can have lasting effects. … Considering this, it's easy to conclude that the harmful amounts of stress that school causes has made school about passing, not learning. It would be much healthier for students if teachers were to give out less homework.

What percentage of students are stressed in school?

61% The percentage of college students seeking counseling who report anxiety, according to the survey. Other concerns include depression (49 percent), stress (45 percent), family issues (31 percent), academic performance (28 percent) and relationship problems (27 percent).