Why am I so afraid of confrontation?

Why am I so afraid of confrontation?

You fear confrontation due to your upbringing – Something from your past (abusive relationships, terrible break-up) makes you gun-shy. … You're afraid you might not be liked – You're scared that the other person will stop liking you, or like you a lot less, after a confrontation.

What causes fear of confrontation?

Other possible sources of the fear of confrontation are: Having confronted someone who reacted with hostility. Conflict phobia. This is intense physical distress, anxiety, and panic symptoms when in a disagreement.

How can I be strong in confrontation?

Take an "emotional time out". When you feel the tears coming, think about something that is completely emotionally neutral to you. Try to keep the tone of your voice and the conversation light but keep the body language strong and assertive (to make it sound less serious in your head).