Who sees my tweets if I have no followers?

Who sees my tweets if I have no followers?

Your protected Tweets will only be searchable on Twitter by you and your followers. Replies you send to an account that isn't following you will not be seen by that account (because only your followers will see your Tweets).

Do celebrities see your tweets?

If your tweets are protected, no one except your approved followers can see your tweet, even if they have been mentioned. Follow your favorite celebrities on Twitter. It's a good idea to find a celeb who usually tweets a lot — they are more likely to care about who tweets @ them.

What do you say when you DM a celebrity?

There is only one way for you to date a Kpop idol. … The idol actually has to be interested in you! It's not really a matter of how you can date an idol, but more of, 'will an idol actually like me? ' That's the only way it can work.

Can you DM a celebrity on Instagram?

Actually, if the celebrity you sent a message to isn't following you, then your message will be sent as a “ request message “ .

Can celebrities see your DMS?

If they are following you, then it will be directed to their account. If the person who manages their account is the celebrity, then they will be notified. They, however can accept or decline such request. It still might show they read it.

Who sees my tweets?

If you mention someone in a tweet who does not follow you they will not receive an instant notification, but it will appear in their "Mentions and Interactions" tab. Mentions: Definition: A Tweet containing another user's Twitter username, preceded by the "@" symbol, like this: Hello @NeonGolden!