
Who is the greatest speaker in the world?

Who is the greatest speaker in the world?

Eric Thomas has become one of the best motivational speakers in the world.

Who is the best speaker?

Aristotle is the father of public speaking o defined.

Why Was Martin Luther King a good speaker?

Connection – In his speaking, King allowed himself to have an almost symbiotic connection with his audience. They drew their energy from each other and he was very tuned into the level of energy in the room. That connection made the event more than a speech. It made it an experience that moved people to act.

How was JFK a good speaker?

JFK built this reputation because he was more than just a storyteller. JFK was a storyshower who had the power to unlock the emotion behind his words so that he could inspire others. JFK's inaugural address offers up a great example of the many techniques that he used to show his story.