Who is supposed to cut the wedding cake?

Who is supposed to cut the wedding cake?

Some couples like to serve their parents a piece of cake. Traditionally the bride should serve the groom's parents and the groom the bride's parents. If there is a groom's cake, guests may prefer a slice of both cakes.

What does cutting the cake at a wedding symbolize?

Cutting the Cake The cake cutting represents the first activity done as a couple, although historically the bride did this act alone to symbolize the loss of her virginity. … These days, the bride requires the groom's assistance and usually they do not cut the entire cake up, but instead leave that duty to the caterer.

When should you cut your wedding cake?

Though it usually happens much earlier today, cutting your cake still serves that same purpose (especially for older guests). These days, the cake is usually cut toward the end of dinner, just before dancing begins, and is the last "official" event of the evening.

What is the tradition of cutting the cake?

What is a "cutting cake?" It's a very small cake created for the sole purpose of giving the bride and groom the opportunity to participate in a tradition without spending hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on something they don't actually want to serve for dessert.