Which MBA has highest salary?

Which MBA has highest salary?

A number of MBA specializations in demand include fields like Marketing, Finance, International Business, Human Resources Operations Management, Information Systems and Supply Chain Management. This reflects the increasing role of interdisciplinary paradigm in industry and corporate sector.

Is MBA in finance difficult?

The MBA in Finance exposes students to the concepts of corporate finance, budgeting, cost control, investments &securities, and working capital management, among other areas of financial management. If done from a good college than mba finance will not be as difficult as it seems to you.

Is MBA HR easy?

Yes, according to me it is easy as compared to other specialization in MBA. But here you should not forget that in case of MBA, taking addmission in MBA is difficult where as it is always easy to clear MBA. Which course or certification should I do before pursuing an MBA in HR?

Which is the easiest MBA?

There is no such thing as easy specialisation in MBA. If one has an interest and aptitude for a particular subject, it makes the study more enjoyable and the whole process much easier. Common specializations in MBA include Finance, Marketing and HRM.

Which MBA course is best for become CEO?

Among MBA concentrations that power future CEOs' journey to the top are finance, marketing, public policy, information technology, environment sustainability, and health administration. Electives such as strategic management, organizational theories, and managerial economics also prepare potential CEOs.

Which stream of MBA has more scope?

All major MBA streams are providing scopes. HR, Operations, Finance, and Marketing. But comparing with other specializations Marketing& sales has more scope. Sales are the best-paid profile in any organization.

Is MBA a good option?

All the specialisation are good for students, depends on your interest. At present some of the student interested in latest trend like MBA in Business analytics, Supply Chain Management, Enterprenuership Management and many more. … MBA can open wide range of opportunities in information technology.