Where is Toriel after sparing her?

Where is Toriel after sparing her?

Toriel is gone from her house in the RUINS after the player spares her, but don't worry: she's still around and you're still on speaking terms — she's just all the way back at the entrance, tending the flowers …

Does Napstablook count as a kill?

"Killing" Napstablook makes the protagonist "lose 1 experience point," leaving EXP unaffected. Because of this, it does not cause a True Pacifist Route to end and is a hint early in the game that experience points are not the same as EXP. Sparing Napstablook does not abort a Genocide Route.

How did Chara die?

They are the one who originally conspired to breach the barrier and shatter it. Chara is the reason they died so long ago, and Asriel simply followed along out of love for his 'sibling'. Chara took control of Asriel, broke through the barrier and carried the body back to the village.

What happens if you name yourself Chara?

Nothing special happens when you name the fallen human Chara: it just tells you “the true name.” Naming the fallen human Frisk will activate hard mode. It doesn't matter which route you take—genocide, pacifist, or neutral. Additionally, hard mode only lasts until the end of the Ruins.

What happens if you name yourself Frisk?

The catch is, the name Frisk enables Hard Mode, and all the Ruins monsters are replaced by stronger (usually female) counterparts, and instead of playing “Enemy Approaching” during a monster encounter, you will hear “Stronger Monsters,” which is the monster encounter theme of Hard Mode.

Can Asgore be spared?

Asgore forces the protagonist to fight him, and the protagonist cannot spare Asgore. The protagonist's HP can never drop below one on any given turn; this gives them a chance to heal every time that they reach 1 HP.

What happens if you call Toriel mom?

Calling Toriel on her phone in the Ruins and flirting with her makes her assume the protagonist is joking, if they do it again she is unsure what to make of it. If they flirt with her after calling her "mother," she becomes uncomfortable and calls the protagonist an "interesting" child.

How do you befriend papyrus?

Halfway through the date/hangout with Papyrus, he changes into his "secret style": a backward baseball cap, a t-shirt that reads "Cool Dude," small shorts with buttons, gloves with striped trim, knee-high socks, and sneakers.

Can you fight Chara in Undertale?

You can't fight Chara because by going Genocide you already let him win.

Can you call Toriel after leaving the ruins?

The player cannot call Toriel once they exit the ruins even if she was spared. While most players may assume that Toriel intentionally refuses to answer the protagonist's calls outside of the Ruins, she is actually unable to answer due to the Annoying Dog having stolen her phone.

How do you get the key to SANS room?

To get the key to his room, you need to do a True Pacifist run. Do the whole run until you get to Sans' judgement in the Judgement Hall/Last Corridor. (Before Flowey & Asgore) There is a savepoint before this talk. Let him finish his speech, and after he vanishes, reload.

Is Chara from Undertale a boy or a girl?

Chara is not a girl or boy. It is also NOT unproven. Frisk and Chara are as canonically nonbinary as it can get. Both use them/their pronouns.

Does Alphys have a crush on Asgore?

Alphys has a crush on Asgore and sometimes refers to him as "Mr. Dreamy." In the epilogue, Alphys comments that she has moved on from Asgore, and adds that she thinks Asgore and Toriel are a cute couple.

What does Chara look like?

Appearance. Chara looks strikingly similar to the protagonist, down to a "similar fashion sense," as said by Asriel Dreemurr, and just like the protagonist, has an ambiguous gender. Both appear to have been around the same age after falling into the Underground.

Does Toriel ever pick up the phone?

Toriel's phone is a cell phone that the protagonist acquires from Toriel once they start to go through the Ruins alone. The cell phone offers a small menu of topics to call Toriel about. … After the protagonist leaves the Ruins, Toriel will not answer the phone until the end of the True Pacifist Route.

How old is Toriel?

This leads us to the fact that during Undertale, Toriel is at least 20 years old, which cannot be true, because she just does not look and act that way, she seems much older. Let us say that she gave birth to Asriel, at 20 years.

What happens if you name your character Frisk?

By naming the fallen human 'Frisk', you essentially create a slightly twisted universe, called Hard Mode, (described by Toby Fox, as making your life hell). This 'scenario' remains within Ruins. You encounter much tougher enemies, than you (at the moment can't handle).

Who is Frisk?

Frisk is the playable character and main protagonist of Undertale. After Frisk falls into the Underground, they embark on a journey to return to the surface. Frisk is the last of the eight humans to fall into the Underground after traveling to Mt. Ebott.

Can you spare asriel Dreemurr?

It is impossible to damage Asriel; any attempt to FIGHT results in a MISS. Asriel cannot be spared using the MERCY option. It is also impossible to receive a game over in this fight; if the protagonist's HP reaches 0, their soul splits in half before repairing itself.

What is Altertale?

Altertale is an Undertale role-swap alternate universe by friisans where Sans has swapped bodies with Toriel, Papyrus with Asgore, and Gaster with Asriel.

What color are Toriel’s eyes?

Undertale. has anyone else noticed that toriels eye color always changes from brown to black. When she hits flowey in the begining her eyes are almost completely reddish brown!

How do you get to the Gaster in Undertale?

When you have enough EXP, your LOVE increases. LOVE, too, is an acronym. It stands for "Level of Violence." A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt.

What happens if you choose the name Frisk in Undertale?

By naming the fallen human 'Frisk', you essentially create a slightly twisted universe, called Hard Mode, (described by Toby Fox, as making your life hell). This 'scenario' remains within Ruins. You encounter much tougher enemies, than you (at the moment can't handle).

How do I call Toriel?

The cell phone offers a small menu of topics to call Toriel about. From this menu, the protagonist can say hello, ask Toriel about herself, call Toriel "mom", flirt with her, or ask for puzzle help if the protagonist is in a room with a puzzle.

What does naming yourself frisk do?

The catch is, the name Frisk enables Hard Mode, and all the Ruins monsters are replaced by stronger (usually female) counterparts, and instead of playing “Enemy Approaching” during a monster encounter, you will hear “Stronger Monsters,” which is the monster encounter theme of Hard Mode.

Do you have to complete a neutral run before pacifist?

This is technically correct, but it isn't a requirement to do two completely separate playthroughs to do Pacifist. … It's just that if you never completed a neutral run before, it'll then force you into a neutral route ending (the most pacifistic of them) instead of letting you go on to the True Pacifist route.

What happens if you go back to the ruins Undertale?

3 Answers. You can't return to the ruins once you have left. The only exception is after the final battle of the true pacifist run. Unfortunately, this means there is no way to get Spider Donuts or Cider to skip the Muffet fight without paying 9999g.

How long does it take Toriel to come back?

This happens if you wait and wait and wait (AKA wait 5 minutes) when Toriel asks you to wait.

How tall is Asgore?

The annoying dog ending, is a neutral run which has one condition do be complete: kill only the bosses. You'll have to spare all the ruins' monsters. Beguin a pacific run and do like the pacific run until the toriel fight. When you arrive at her home, go to your room and sleep.

How do you get Undyne’s letter?

Go to Snowdin, and find Undyne in front of Papyrus's house. She will give you her letter, which you will then take to Hotland to give to Alphys.

How do you get pacifist ending?

To get the Pacifist ending, you must not kill a single creature, plus spare (and date) every main character you come across. Doing so will see you access new content – so it's well worth playing first. To get a true Genocide ending, you must kill a certain number of monsters, as well as their bosses before moving on.

How do I get back into the ruins Undertale?

3 Answers. You can't return to the ruins once you have left. The only exception is after the final battle of the true pacifist run. Unfortunately, this means there is no way to get Spider Donuts or Cider to skip the Muffet fight without paying 9999g.

How do you open the door in Undertale?

To open this door, you must dodge every name during the special thanks portion of the credits after a pacifist run. The door will open for any future playthrough. Before entering, though, I show off a unique encounter in the area.

How do I save my progress in Undertale?

There is one SAVE slot in the game (one per user in the PS4 and Nintendo Switch versions), and it can be overwritten at several SAVE Points. In the dialogue, "SAVE" is noticeably written in caps, and it can be conjugated.