Where do parents hide money?

Where do parents hide money?

For instance, you could stuff the presents into empty boxes of laundry detergent or Tupperware containers. Small gifts could be wrapped in socks or put inside fake books. Hide big Christmas presents inside moving boxes or crates with a dull description, like “Tax Receipts 2016.”

Do you put presents under the tree before Christmas?

Growing up, presents would be placed under the tree as they were bought and wrapped. Then, on Christmas morning, we'd come down to much fanfare and excitement to find the additional presents that "Santa" had brought the night before, which would be unwrapped.

How do you find out what someone got you for Christmas?

Closets or drawers are popular places to hide gifts. Look everywhere you can think of. Sometimes your parents might put the gifts in places you will never think of, like behind a painting or under a pile of clothes, but remember, don't look in places like an oven, or in a vent.

How can I hide my presents?

Presents can be found in loot boxes as legendary items, though they are fairly rare. Once you have a Present in your inventory, you can throw it and it will grow like a Port-a-Fort. If you need protection from coming fire while you loot the items, you can throw the Present at your feet to have the box built around you.