
Where do burglars look first?

Where do burglars look first?

As mentioned above, burglars will typically head to the master bedroom first to check for valuables, so the places that you keep valuables (jewelry boxes, safes, under the mattress, etc.) are first on their list. The worst hiding spots are spots seen on TV, in movies or other popular hiding locations.

Where should you not hide money in your house?

As long as you keep a fair amount of tissues on top and never let the box become empty, a tissue box is the last place someone would expect to find your diary. You can keep it on your end table, or even beside your bed.

How can I hide my cell phone in the bathroom?

The heating duct of your bathroom is the last place one would expect to have a camera operating from. For that reason, it provides the perfect place to hide your phone camera so it can record all the important footage without attracting unnecessary attention.

How do you hide a safe in a wall?

Install a wall hidden safe or cylinder floor safe by bolting it to the floor (most hidden safes have holes inside for just that purpose). Hide it in the corner of a closet or other inconspicuous area. Or mount the wall safe inside a wall and cover it with a picture.

How do you hide a small safe?

Hide it in the corner of a closet or other inconspicuous area. Or mount the wall safe inside a wall and cover it with a picture. Or chip out a hole in your concrete slab and stick in the floor hidden safe, then pour new concrete around the hidden away safe.

How can I hide money from the IRS?

Trusts – Setting up an International Asset Protection Trust in the right jurisdiction is the best way to not only hide money from the IRS, but to hide it from anyone, as well as transfer wealth to your heirs tax free. Offshore Accounts – These essentially go hand in hand with Trusts.