
What’s the best day for a garage sale?

What’s the best day for a garage sale?

Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually the best time to hold your garage sale. Here's an insider garage sale tip: consider scheduling it on the first weekend of the month—a lot of paychecks go out at the end of the month, so people will have cash to spend.

How much do you charge for garage sale items?

The general rule of thumb when you start pricing items for a garage sale is to go for one-third of their full price. That means that if you paid $100 for a coffeemaker, price it around $30. While this rule might not work for absolutely everything you hope to sell, it's a good starting point.

How much petty cash should be on hand at a yard sale?

Get two rolls of quarters, a stack of 50 $1 bills, 10 $5 bills, and 5 $10 bills. Do it two days before the sale so that, if you forget, you can still get the change on the day before.

How do you price clothes for a garage sale?

Adult Clothes: $3 to $5 will work for most pants, shirts, sweaters, and the like. If it still has the original price tag and is unworn, up the price. Baby Clothes: $1 to $3 is a good range for gently used clothing, though you can drop it to 50 cents for those that have seen more use.

Is it better to donate or have a garage sale?

Hold a garage sale for some quick cash. Donate the items you don't sell to a charity for the tax deduction. “That way, you'll end up with some cash and maybe a little extra tax savings on your tax return,” Alessandri adds. If you take the standard deduction, though, bite the bullet and have a garage sale.

Where can I post my garage sale for free?

Post your sale on gsalr.com and it is automatically published on these other popular sites: YardSaleSearch.com, YardSales.net, GarageSaleFinder.com and GarageSalesTracker.com.

Who picks leftovers garage sale?

The guideline for big-ticket items is usually around half of its original price, Capes said. Big sellers include furniture, stereos and power tools, which go for anywhere from $5 to $50. Price clothing, knickknacks and small kitchen appliances anywhere from 25 cents to $5.

How should I price things for a garage sale?

The general rule of thumb when you start pricing items for a garage sale is to go for one-third of their full price. That means that if you paid $100 for a coffeemaker, price it around $30. While this rule might not work for absolutely everything you hope to sell, it's a good starting point.

How do you make money at a garage sale?

Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually the best time to hold your garage sale. Here's an insider garage sale tip: consider scheduling it on the first weekend of the month—a lot of paychecks go out at the end of the month, so people will have cash to spend.

How do you get rid of stuff without a garage sale?

They might offer garage sale coordination as a side service. If not, simply ask a friend or someone who has had lots of garage sales. It's just smart to have someone to coordinate it and run the sale.