What word means to make something happen?

What word means to make something happen?

What is another word for make happen?

realiseUK realizeUS
effect cause
produce bring about
make real effectuate
accomplish achieve

What causes something to happen?

Use the noun causation to talk about the process of causing something to happen. So causation is the action of causing something. It’s a formal word, and you’ll often hear it come up in legal or scientific contexts.

What does it mean to make happen?

You need to make it happen!: You need to ensure that it happens, you need to do everything you can to facilitate it!

What do you call something before it happens?

precede. verb. to happen or exist before another person or thing.

What is it called when you think of something to make it happen?

It’s called manifestation and affirmation. You also have to do your part to make it happen if it is in your ability to do so.

What do you call someone who caused something?

contributor. noun. someone or something that is one of the causes of a situation, event etc.

What is a short trip?

1. Jaunt means: A short trip or excursion, usually for pleasure; an outing.

How do you use make it happen?

You have to visualise your body attacking the disease. If you can see it clearly in your head, you can make it happen. Ralph Waldo Emerson once suggested that once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.

What is it called when you feel something is going to happen?

A foreboding is a glimpse or a feeling that bad things are going to happen. It’s a premonition, or look into the future.

What is it called when you think of something and it happens?

Re: “What does it mean when you think of something and it happens?” The process is called Synchronicity and it is a natural consequence of how this universe really is as opposed to the approximations presented by Traditional Science.

How do you describe a need?

A need is something that is necessary for an organism to live a healthy life. In other words, a need is something required for a safe, stable and healthy life (e.g. air, water, food, land, shelter) while a want is a desire, wish or aspiration.

What do you call someone who always gets in trouble?

(or jiber), insulter, jeerer, scoffer, scorner.

What do you call a mini vacation?

Noun. A trip taken for pleasure, especially one lasting a day or less. outing. excursion. jaunt.

What happened or what happen?

what happen or what happened? Explanation: The past tense, ‘happened’ is correct. In the context offered, you are asking what (events) happened that changed or effected Jen.