
What soiled means?

What soiled means?

to make unclean, dirty, or filthy, especially on the surface: to soil one's clothes. to smirch, smudge, or stain: The ink soiled his hands. to sully or tarnish, as with disgrace; defile morally: to soil one's good name.

What is the past participle of cast?

The verb cast is conventionally uninflected in the past tense and as a past participle. Casted is an old form—examples are easily found in texts from every century from the 14th to the present—but it has given way to cast in modern English.

What’s the definition of a hovel?

hovel. A hovel is a small shed or dwelling, often messy, cramped, and crudely built, such as a shelter in a refugee camp — or possibly your apartment if you have too much stuff and not enough time to clean.

How do you finish knitting a scarf?

To end a scarf by binding off, finish your last row of stitches, then knit the first 2 stitches of the next row as normal. Next, use your left-hand needle to lift the first stitch over the second stitch on your right-hand needle. Knit another stitch, then lift the first loop over the second again.