
What should I play with my BFF?

What should I play with my BFF?

Inside pack: deodorant, body spray, perfume, toothbrush/paste, makeup, pads/tampons, shampoo, shower gel (if you are planning on having a shower at the friends' house). hair ties, bobby pins, face wash and anything else you wish to bring (put all leakable items in zip-lock bags or plastic baggies to prevent leakages).

What do adults do at sleepovers?

To stay awake all night at a sleepover, drink some caffeinated soda or coffee, which will boost your energy so it's easier to stay up. You can also try eating sugary snacks or listening to loud music to stay energized. If you feel yourself getting sleepy, splash your face with some cold water.

What should I pack for a one night sleepover?

Before you pack for a sleepover, ask the host where you will sleep and whether you should bring a sleeping bag and pillow. No matter what your host says, pack your bathroom essentials, like your toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush. You will also need pajamas, underwear, and an outfit to wear the next day.

What should a 10 year old bring to a sleepover?

Before you pack for a sleepover, ask the host where you will sleep and whether you should bring a sleeping bag and pillow. No matter what your host says, pack your bathroom essentials, like your toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush. You will also need pajamas, underwear, and an outfit to wear the next day.