What should I drink before a hockey game?

What should I drink before a hockey game?

Drink 1 x strong sports drink (with at least 1000mg of sodium per 32oz) in 16oz of water a few hours before the game is due to start. Finish your drink at least 45 minutes before you start to give your body time to fully absorb what it needs and pee out any excess.

How should I dress for a hockey game?

Start with a T-shirt, followed by a loose-fitting, long-sleeve shirt. Wear your hockey jersey over that. If you don't think all that's enough to keep you warm for a couple of hours, bring a lightweight jacket or a hoodie. If you need to remove a layer or two, you'll be good to go.

What do hockey players eat before a game?

Have a whole-grain English muffin or bagel, whole-wheat pasta, whole-grain bread, cooked grains like brown rice or barley, trail mix or granola with your primary meal. As game time approaches, have fresh fruit or 100 percent orange juice for simple carbohydrates that can be quickly metabolized for energy.

How do you prepare for game day?

On game day, drink nothing but water. Eat carbohydrates 2-4 hours before the game and drink water. Run or practice the sport for at least 1-2 hours each day. This will help you do better when the game date arrives.

How long before a game do hockey teams warm up?

1 hour before game time : On-ice officials come in, change into their fitness clothes and do an off-ice warm-up. 40 minutes before game time : Both teams take the ice for on-ice warm-ups which last 20 minutes, hardcore fans are in the stands.

Whats the song they play at hockey games?

Blitzkrieg Bop- Ramones- More commonly known as the "Hey, Ho, Let's Go" song, Blitzkrieg Bopis perfect for those "we desperately need a goal" moments. The classic "Hey, Ho, Let's Go" serves as the fans' basic call-to-arms for their team.