
What setting do you use to cook quinoa in a rice cooker?

What setting do you use to cook quinoa in a rice cooker?

Add quinoa and broth to the rice cooker. No need to stir. Set on white rice setting (or rice setting if no options). When the rice cooker beeps, open the lid and let the quinoa cool for 3-4 minutes.

What is the ratio of quinoa to water?

The quinoa water ratio you're looking for is 1:2, meaning 1 part quinoa to 2 parts liquid.

Can I cook lentils in my rice cooker?

Make lentils in the rice cooker using a ratio of 2 parts water to 1 part lentils. Cook them for about 40 minutes on the regular cycle.

Can you steam quinoa like rice?

Many recipes for quinoa instruct you to cook it like rice, in 2 parts water for 1 part grain. This works, but I find the grains are fluffier if I cook them in 3 parts water and drain the excess water once the quinoa is tender. … Featured in: Quinoa: A Protein Packed Alternative To Grains.