
What makes a good big sister?

What makes a good big sister?

A big sister can be as influential in a child's life as their parents. Younger siblings look up to older siblings for guidance and acceptance. … So, be sure to make good decisions like doing well in school and being respectful towards your parents. Your younger brother or sister will emulate the way you live your life.

Is it better to have a sister or brother?

Tony Cassidy, the lead researcher on the project, found sisters make their siblings more optimistic and help families deal with problems in emotionally healthy ways. Families with at least one sister are more cohesive and communicate more often. … He found that sisters have the most positive impact on broken families.

Why having a sibling is a good thing?

Having a sibling may make you more selfless. New research suggests that having a sibling may help children develop sympathy. Researchers examined the relationship between siblings in more than 300 families and found having a quality relationship with a brother or sister may promote altruism in teens, especially boys.