What it means to be brave?

What it means to be brave?

The dictionary defines brave as having the mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty.” … It does, by necessity, involve facing danger, fear, or difficulty. Being brave means listening to that voice and then stepping into the fear that almost always shows up.

What does it mean to be brave or courageous?

Random House Dictionary defines brave much the same as M-W, but defines courage: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. Which means that to be brave, one cannot have fear.

Why Being brave is important?

Bravery is important in life because, we need bravery to face our fears and overcome obstacles our life. Facing fears in life can help you succeed in life. For example, you could be able to speak in front of a big crowd and with first place.