What is Warren Buffett’s email address?

What is Warren Buffett’s email address?

The address for the company is 3555 Farnam St., Omaha, NE 68131. The email address for Buffett is just Berkshire Hathaway's public email, [email protected].

Does Warren Buffett give money to individuals?

Warren Buffett donates $3.6 billion to Gates' and family charities. (Reuters) – Warren Buffett is donating roughly $3.6 billion of Berkshire Hathaway Inc (BRKa.

Does Warren Buffett have a cell phone?

After years of owning a flip phone, Warren Buffett finally has an iPhone. The Oracle of Omaha is no longer a smartphone holdout. During an interview with CNBC on Monday, billionaire investor Warren Buffett revealed he finally let go of his Samsung flip phone in favor of Apple's iPhone.