What is the structure of a blues song?

What is the structure of a blues song?

Blues music has a three-line verse structure where the second line repeats the first – A A B. In the first line state the problem. In the second line you repeat the first line. In the third line state the solution (or consequence).

What song form is the 12 bar blues?

Structure Of AAB Song Form. AAB / 12 Bar Blues is the most common blues song form. An AAB pattern is used in both lyrics and melody (this is often set out in a "question-question-answer" format) made up of three 4 bar phrases in AAB Song Form.

What makes a good blues song?

When you listen to the blues, you might immediately notice that it sounds different. That sound you hear that you might call “bluesy” is an effect called blue (or flatted) notes. Blues musicians play certain chords (combinations of two or more notes) at a slightly lower pitch than on the regular musical scale.