What is the name of a group of people living together?

What is the name of a group of people living together?

A household refers to a family or group of people living together. It’s a social unit under one roof. All the people living in your house, including servants, make up your household.

What consists of people who live together?

More broadly, the term cohabitation can mean any number of people living together.

What is another word for living together?

What is another word for living together?

sharing cohabitation
living in sin shack up
civil union marriage

What do you call people who live in a place?

A resident is someone who lives somewhere particular, or a doctor-in-training who takes care of the patients at a hospital under the supervision of other doctors. You are a resident of wherever you live — your house, town, planet. (Let’s assume we’re all residents of Earth.)

What is living with someone called?

You can use roommate, housemate, flatmate and similar terms to indicate that two unrelated people live together. Thus, you can use housemate anywhere to indicate that two people simply live in the same house. In American English, you can also call them roommates.

What is it called when someone lives in your house without you knowing?

A squatter lives on a property to which they have no title, right, or lease. A squatter may gain adverse possession of the property through involuntary transfer.

Is it bad to have a kid before marriage?

While having a child before marriage is totally fine, there are some things everyone needs to know before they make their decision. Other times, they do not plan on getting married at all. While having a child before marriage is totally fine, there are some things everyone needs to know before they make their decision.

What is a Phrogger?

Phroggers usually stay in someone else’s home because they have no place else to go. They might have been living in the home before you and just never left, as when a landlord goes through the eviction process and doesn’t realize the tenant never moved out.

Why does my gf want a baby?

What does it mean if my girlfriend wants a baby before marriage? – Quora. It could mean she’s a fool and she thinks you’re one too. It also means that you need to be on top of birth control, because her baby hunger is going to mess you up and the two of you together are going to mess up that kid.