What is the hardest language to learn?

What is the hardest language to learn?

Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons.

Can I learn Japanese in 3 months?

If you want to speak short phrases and understand basic words then 3 months is sufficient time. If you are learning japanese with the intention to write an exam such as the JLPT N5 then 3 months is not enough but is definitely possible if the answers to the above questions are positive and you spend enough time for it.

How many hours a day should I study Japanese?

For the past 5 years of studying Japanese, I can say that 2 hours a day is more than enough to get you where you want. To give you a perspective on the matter, I would only study around one hour a day—every other day. If by 'fluent' you mean to hold a conversation, then around a couple of years.

Which is harder to learn Japanese or Chinese?

Learning to read and write Japanese is probably harder than Chinese because most Japanese characters (kanji) have two or more pronunciations, whereas the vast majority of Chinese characters (hanzi) only have one. … Chinese grammar is generally considered a lot easier to learn than Japanese.

What is the best app to learn Japanese?

They just represent sounds. Because of this, any Japanese word that can be written in kanji can also be written in hiragana. … Remember, each kanji represents a concept. So when writing a verb, you use a kanji for the base concept, then hiragana to alter the pronunciation and add more meaning, such as the tense.

Is Japanese on duolingo good?

Duolingo is an excellent free resource for learning languages, especially if you consider yourself a beginner who is looking to immerse yourself quickly in Japanese. … While it is not the be-all-end-all with studying any language, Duolingo can help you make progress with your Japanese language learning goals.

Is Japanese really that hard to learn?

In short, Japanese is one of the more difficult languages for a native English speaker to learn. It takes much dedication and time. Learning the kana and how to pronounce the syllables is relatively easy, the grammar is about in the middle between easy and difficult, and the kanji is very hard.

Can you teach yourself Japanese?

Why Teaching Yourself Japanese Works. If you study Japanese in a classroom, then you are following a set program laid out by your teacher. This program is most likely designed to teach you grammar, vocabulary and written Japanese. … But if you only study in the classroom, then your immediate learning outcome is limited.

Is Japanese easier than Korean?

Korean is easier to read/write, but harder to listen/speak. Japanese is easier to listen/speak, but harder to read/write. They both have really difficult vocabulary and grammar. Japanese vocabulary is slightly more difficult to master because Japan has a wider range of dialects than Korea.

What is the best language to learn?

How Long Does it Take to Learn Japanese on Average? With consistent studying and speaking, for about 30 minutes to an hour a day, you could speak at a conversational level in Japanese in about 3 months.

How can I improve my listening skills in Japanese?

By first having a fluency and familiarity with the spoken language itself. For example, if you knew and used the word “zaimu” (finance) in Japanese frequently for work or study, it would be much easier to learn and remember the kanji characters (財務).

Is Japanese read left to right or right to left?

The text is in the traditional tategaki ("vertical writing") style; it is read down the columns and from right to left, like traditional Chinese. Published in 1908. When written vertically, the writing system is top to bottom, and right to left.

What is the best program to learn Japanese?

Generally speaking, you need to know about 3,000 – 5,000 Japanese words to be fluent in the language. But it can't just be any words, as you could simply learn the names of people, places, and Pokémon to hit one or two thousand.

Can you learn Japanese from anime?

You can not learn Japanese from watching Anime. You can not learn Japanese in two months. You can not learn it by simply watching anime or dramas. It is great for learning some expressions, and vocabulary, but it is not very helpful to learn how to interact in the Japanese language with real-life Japanese people.

How do I start learning Japanese?

Generally speaking, you need to know about 3,000 – 5,000 Japanese words to be fluent in the language. But it can't just be any words, as you could simply learn the names of people, places, and Pokémon to hit one or two thousand.

How many words does the average Japanese person know?

Even if not having been specifically encountered, any 1, 2, 3 or… Well, that's complicated. One is supposed to know about 2,000 Kanji characters to get out of high-school, and the newspapers limit themselves to this. It's estimated that the average educated Japanese adult know about 2,500~3,000.

What is n5 Japanese?

The JLPT is one of the most well-known international Japanese proficiency exams. It has five levels, with level five (officially called N5) being the easiest and level one (N1) being the hardest.