What is the difference between narrow minded and closed minded?

What is the difference between narrow minded and closed minded?

An open minded person is fine with new, unfamiliar strategies and ideas. … A close minded person or narrow minded person is someone who is against considering new ideas and who believes his opinions about how life works must be right.

What is broad minded person?

A "broad-minded" person means a person with wider thoughts, deep patience and understandable nature. … It is not difficult to become a broad-minded person, if you are flexible and understandable. If you are so, you just have to understand what behavior obstructs you to develop broad-mindness.

What is a simple minded person?

adjective. The definition of simple-minded is someone who is unsophisticated, foolish or mentally impaired. An example of someone who would be described as simple-minded is a person who cannot understand or grasp most concepts and who is lacking in insight.

What is open minded person?

adjective. The definition of open minded is a willingness to try new things or to hear and consider new ideas. An example of an open minded person is one who listens to her opponent in a debate to see if the information makes sense or if she can change her mind.