What is the difference between ancient Rome and ancient Greece?

What is the difference between ancient Rome and ancient Greece?

In Greece, the society was divided into slaves, freedmen, metics, citizens and women. Rome had slaves, freedmen, plebeians and patricians. When women were not considered to be citizens in ancient Greece, they were citizens in ancient Rome. … Greek art was considered to be superior to that of Roman Art.

Is Rome and Greece the same?

The religion of Ancient Greece and Rome is the same except that the names of the gods are different. The abode of the gods for both Rome and Greece was Mt. Olympus, Greece. … While we think of Greek and Latin as very different languages, both are closely related and part of the Indo-European language group.

What are the differences between Roman and Greek mythology?

Greek gods are given a beautiful, perfect physical appearance while Roman gods are not given physical form and represented only in the imagination of the people. Greek gods are mainly based on human personality traits likes love, hate, honor and dignity, and myths related to them are shaped by these traits.

What is the main difference between Athens and Rome?

The Athenian polis chose their elected leaders at random, while members were selected for the Roman Republic and voted in by the leadership. The Romans had a two party system, the Patricians and Plebeians, while Athenians included all male citizens. There was no distinction between class in Athens.