What is the Charleston dance from the 1920s?

What is the Charleston dance from the 1920s?

The Charleston is a dance that became popular in the 1920's, during the era of jazz music, speakeasies and Flappers. The Charleston was danced to ragtime jazz music in a quick-paced 4/4 time rhythm, the dance quickly become a craze around the world.

What dances were popular in the 1920s?

Both the Tango and Waltz have several variations to them. One of the more popular dances of the 1920s, which was still seen on dance floors into the 1950s, was the Lindy Hop, which later became known as the Jitterbug. The Lindy Hop was the original swing dance.

What was the most popular dance between 1920 1930?

The most popular dance of the period was the Foxtrot. The Waltz and the Tango were also widely danced, as were (in the '30s) Latin dances like the Rumba, Conga and Samba.