
What is the beneficial effects of dry season?

What is the beneficial effects of dry season?

In this season, it has lower chance of rainfall, low humidity, which causes watering holes and rivers to dry up. This is probably the most comfortable season a tropical country like the Philippines could face. Since there are less chances of rain, there are lesser chances of experiencing flood.

What are the benefits of rainy season?

In the wet season, air quality improves, fresh water quality improves, and vegetation grows substantially, leading to crop yields late in the season. Rivers overflow their banks, and some animals retreat to higher ground. Soil nutrients diminish and erosion increases.

What are harmful effects of rain?

Heavy rainfall can lead to numerous hazards, for example: flooding, including risk to human life, damage to buildings and infrastructure, and loss of crops and livestock. landslides, which can threaten human life, disrupt transport and communications, and cause damage to buildings and infrastructure.

What are some bad effects of dry season?

During the dry season, humidity is very low, causing some watering holes and rivers to dry up. This lack of water (and lack of food supply) may force many grazing animals to migrate to more fertile spots.

What happens during the dry season?

During the dry season, humidity is very low, causing some watering holes and rivers to dry up. This lack of water (and lack of food supply) may force many grazing animals to migrate to more fertile spots. Because of the lack of water in the plants, bushfires (wildfires) are common.

What are the effects of stormy day?

A stormy day often puts a damper on outdoor plans, but for many people, it’s much more serious: Bad weather also can impact your health. Weather can affect a number of health conditions, including asthma, allergies and even headaches.

What happens when there is a lot of rain?

In the event of excessive rain following a dry period, mudslides can occur, with devastating effects. Not only do they erode valuable soil, they also can destroy homes and can be life-threatening.

What are the benefits of a dry season?

Benefits of dry season. – Boom in tourism. – Easier to travel, go out, and socialize.

How does the rainy season affect health and prevention methods?

The rainy season is a respite from the scorching heat of the summer. It brings along greenery, cool breeze and cold weather. And at the same time, it brings along potent threat to the health, specifically to children because of developing stage of the immunity system.

What are the advantages of dry season in the Philippines?

In this season, it has lower chance of rainfall, low humidity, which causes watering holes and rivers to dry up. This is probably the most comfortable season a tropical country like the Philippines could face. Since there are less chances of rain, there are lesser chances of experiencing flood.