What is the angle of a gnomon?

What is the angle of a gnomon?

The gnomon of the vertical sundial makes an angle of 90°–L with the vertical (that is, an angle L with the horizontal), as shown in the side view in Figure 5. In the southern hemisphere, the vertical dial is north-facing. Unlike the equatorial dial, the hour angles are not equally spaced.

How do you make a gnomon for a sundial?

Holding the flange in place with your left hand, rotate the sundial face with your right hand until the shadow of the gnomon on the sundial face reads the same as the clock time (this must be done during Daylight Saving Time). Mark the position of each of the four flange screw holes. Remove the flange.

How do you install a sundial?

To set up your sundial, find a place with as much exposure to the sun as possible. Mount the sundial on top of a post , use a level to make sure the face of the sundial is level. Fasten the dial in place (with one screw) with the gnomon facing north (The gnomon is the angled piece that casts the shadow).

How do you make a sundial paper plate?

As Earth spins, the shadow sweeps across the face. There are many types of sundials; an equatorial sundial is easy to make and teaches fun- damental astronomical concepts. The face of the sundial represents the plane of Earth's equator, and the stick represents Earth's spin axis.

Where should a garden sundial be placed?

You can place a horizontal garden sundial either in flower beds or on pedestals near the garden or walkway, depending on where the best sun and shadow combo are. Although the time of horizontal sundials isn't quite as accurate as Armillary sundials, they are much easier to position and are very easily moved.