What is rack slang for?

What is rack slang for?

vulgar, slang, mainly US. a woman’s breasts.

What is a rack on a girl?

“Rack” is vulgar slang, and a disrespectful way to refer to a woman’s breasts. A deer’s antlers can be called a “rack,” which is a perfectly acceptable use of the word. Antlers are often collected by hunters and displayed as a trophy.

What does have a nice rack mean?

New Word Suggestion. USA term used to describe a female with nice breasts, usually large.

What does it mean when someone says you have a rack?

It means that a female has a nice chest or bosom. Many females might find this offensive though so take caution.

How much money is considered a rack?

“A rack” is $1,000 in the form of ten $100 bills, banded by a bank or otherwise. $1000 notes are occasionally referred to as “large” (“twenty large” being $20,000, etc.). In slang, a thousand dollars may also be referred to as a “grand” or “G”, “K” (as in kilo), or a “stack”, a “bozo”, as well as a “band” .

How much is 30 racks?

a thousand dollars. My ’72 ragtop cost 30 racks. See more words with the same meaning: money.

How much money is 2 racks?

A Rack(s) refers to money in thousand dollar amounts. Since not very many people have multiple 100 bills in stacks of $10,000 to sing about, a Rack usually refers to only $1,000.

What is a 30 pack of beer called?


How many gallons is a 30 rack?

Convert 30 Six Packs to Gallons

six packs gal
30.00 16.875
30.01 16.881
30.02 16.886
30.03 16.892

How much is a 24 pack of Busch?

Busch Beer – 24 Pack Cans 24.00 each Harris Teeter.

How many 64 oz make a gallon?


How many beers is 1 gallon?

How big is 1 gallon of beer? How much is 1 gallon of beer? 1 gal to beers conversion. A U.S. gallon is a unit of volume equal to 128 U.S. fluid ounces, or about 3.785 liters….Convert 1 Gallon to Beers.

gal beers
1.00 10.667
1.01 10.773
1.02 10.88
1.03 10.987

Can you brew 1 gallon of beer in a 5 gallon bucket?

I would only use the plastic bottles for fermenting once as they are hard to clean and basically free. Is the question about beer or wine (or another ferment)? It is perfectly possible to brew 1 gallon of liquor in a 5 gallon container.

Can I sell homemade beer?

That’s something that could perk up the ears of those who dabble in hops and grains at home, because federal law has been very clear historically: Selling a home brewed beer is illegal.

How many gallons is a 6 pack of beer?

A six pack of beer contains 6 twelve-ounce bottles or cans. A U.S. gallon is a unit of volume equal to 128 U.S. fluid ounces, or about 3.785 liters….Convert Six Packs to Gallons.

six packs gal
5 2.8125
6 3.375
7 3.9375
8 4.5

How many cases of beer is 5 gallons?

1 gallon = 128 oz. so thats about 10.5 12oz bottles per gallon. or 53.3 12 oz bottles per 5 gallon. So if you started out with 5 gallons exactly into the primary. and you ended up with only 38 bottles., that is 456oz.

How much is 7 gallons of beer?

How big is 7 gallons of beer? How much is 7 gallons of beer? 7 gal to beers conversion. A U.S. gallon is a unit of volume equal to 128 U.S. fluid ounces, or about 3.785 liters….Convert 7 Gallons to Beers.

gal beers
7.01 74.773
7.02 74.88
7.03 74.987
7.04 75.093

How many Oz is a normal beer?

12 ounces

What is a 32 oz beer called?


What is a 16 oz beer called?


Can you get drunk on 4 percent alcohol?

I’m going to drink 5 Smirnoff’s with 4.5 percent of alcohol. If you have not drank very much alcohol before and you plan to drink it all in one night, yes most likely you will get drunk or at least very “buzzed”. Even on 4.5 % alcohol, you will still have plenty enough on hand to become at least mildly intoxicated.


What is rack slang for?

What is rack slang for?

Slang: Vulgar. a woman’s breasts. Slang. a bed, cot, or bunk: I spent all afternoon in the rack. SEE MORE.

What is a rack in British slang?

(slang, vulgar) A woman’s breasts. Synonyms: see Thesaurus:breasts. (climbing, caving) A friction device for abseiling, consisting of a frame with five or more metal bars, around which the rope is threaded. rappel rack. abseil rack.

What does racks mean in text?

The slang and terms “Rack” and “Racks” are nouns which are used to reference money. The slang term was popularized by YC (Yung Chris) when he released his debut single “Racks” featuring Future in 2011.

What is a rack Urban?

A Rack(s) refers to money in thousand dollar amounts. The current popular slang perception is: Stack Rack = $1,000. Since not very many people have multiple 100 bills in stacks of $10,000 to sing about, a Rack usually refers to only $1,000.

Why racks are used?

Used for short- or long-term placement of materials, products and loads in a facility, storage racks hold items in an organized area.

What does rack them up mean?

transitive verb. : achieve, gain racked up their 10th victory.

What does rack mean in Australia?

An Australian word for ‘Steal’ Example: Lets go rack some monsters from coles.

What does raking it in mean?

: to earn a lot of money The owners of that restaurant must be really raking it in.

What does it mean if a girl has a dump truck?

The R&B singer, who rose to fame with the hit song back in 2000, finally revealed the meaning of the line “dumps like a truck” — for those who weren’t quite sure. ‘ So, ‘she had dumps like a dump truck’ is, like, when girls do a booty dance move and they look back at their butt,” he explained.

What is the slang for $100?

“C-note” is a slang term for a $100 banknote in U.S. currency. The “C” in C-note refers to the Roman numeral for 100, which was printed on $100 bills, and it can also refer to a century. The term came to prominence in the 1920s and 1930s, and it was popularized in a number of gangster films.

What are the different types of racks?

Racking Basics

  • Selective Racking. The simplest of all racking systems, selective racking permits only one-unit-deep pallet loads to be stored side-by-side.
  • Drive-in Rack.
  • Carton flow Rack.
  • Mobile Rack or Mobile Sliding Rack.

What does being racked mean?

to torture; distress acutely; torment: His body was racked with pain. to stretch the body of (a person) in torture by means of a rack: taken to the dungeon to be racked.