What is Palentine’s Day?

What is Palentine’s Day?

February 14th is right around the corner; if this stresses you out or turns you into a Valentine's Day-hater, try celebrating a day for pals! “Parks and Recreation” made Galentine's Day a popular holiday among women. Palentine's Day is a gender-inclusive holiday to celebrate platonic love between friends!

Why is it called Galentine’s Day?

For others, a far more exciting event takes precedence – Galentine's Day, which falls on 13 February every year. As the name would suggest, Galentine's Day is a celebration of female friendship.

Did Leslie Knope invent Galentine’s Day?

Galentine's Day was created by Leslie Knope, the Parks and Recreation fictional main character. She invented the holiday as a tribute to her close girlfriends.

What should I bring to Galentine’s Day?

National Singles Day – September 22, 2020.

Is Galentine’s Day a real holiday?

Yes, Galentine's Day, created by Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler), is a day exclusively for women. Specifically it's the day when she and her female friends leave their husbands or boyfriends or empty houses to have breakfast together and celebrate one another. “It's only the best day of the year. …

Who is Saint galentine?

Saint Galentine is a third-century Roman saint who first popularized the expression "female friendship before romantic infatuation with potential and current sexual partners." Though little is known of her family life or schooling, ancient writings reveal that Galentine worked in the Coliseum as a tiger wrangler, and …