What is ostara?

What is ostara?

Ostara, or Eostra, is an Anglo-Saxon goddess who represents dawn. As a spring goddess she oversees the budding plants and burgeoning fertility of the earth. The Horned God, sometimes envisioned as the god Pan, symbolizes the festive enjoyment of nature through hunting and dancing.

How do witches celebrate Ostara?

Each month, witches celebrate the full Moon through gatherings known as full Moon esbats, although esbats can be held at other times depending on when a coven chooses to meet up. Witches celebrate sabbats to mark the passing of the seasons.

How do you honor ostara?

If you have an altar you may want to use Ostara as a time to change it. Decorate your altar with coloured eggs, seeds, feathers and spring flowers. Use colours of green, yellow and purple. Use gemstones and crystals such as rose quartz, moonstone and aquamarine.

How do Pagans celebrate the spring equinox?

To celebrate Spring Equinox some Pagans carry out particular rituals. For instance a woman and a man are chosen to act out the roles of Spring God and Goddess, playing out courtship and symbolically planting seeds. Egg races, egg hunts, egg eating and egg painting are also traditional activities at this time of year.