What is Monday morning blues?

What is Monday morning blues?

Monday morning blues and Morning blues are two different situations but the word 'blues' mean the same. Blue refers to the lack of joy, laziness, tiredness, stress, etc. Monday morning blues is the feeling that comes to us as the weekend has passed by and it is time to resume the work again.

What are Tuesday blues?

“It takes a while for your body to make more serotonin, and the effect of serotonin depletion is a tremendous crash.” In addition to the “blue Mondays” immediately following weekends of raving, some people describe “suicide Tuesdays” or “Tuesday blues” with a two-day delay.

What are the Monday blues?

This expression of sadness, depression and a low mood is termed as Monday Blues. 'Monday Blues' is a sad feeling or slight depression that we feel when we join the work after a weekend or after a break. We all come across different people who feel low on Mondays and wait again for Friday to come.

Why is it called Monday blues?

“Monday blues” is a concept that we hear often, these days. Mondays are” blue” precisely because of that sad feeling after the weekend, combined with laziness and lack of interest for pretty much everything. … This day seems to be in January (the third Monday of this month), being named “Blue Monday”.

How do you deal with Sunday blues?

If you have blues, you feel sad. The commonest use is 'Monday Blues' referring to laziness one gets to get to work (as they just enjoyed 'work-free' weekends). If you say, "Morning blues" probably it means the morning you don't feel to do anything. … One talks about Monday, and another talks about the morning.

How do I stop dreading Mondays?

have the blues. Also, feel blue. Feel depressed or sad, as in After seeing the old house in such bad shape, I had the blues for weeks, or Patricia tends to feel blue around the holidays.