What is it when your skin is sensitive to touch?

What is it when your skin is sensitive to touch?

Allodynia is a heightened sensitivity to touch, which results in pain from things that normally would not cause discomfort. “This increased skin sensitivity and pain from touch is hypothesized to occur for a number of reasons,” says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, medical director of Fibromyalgia & Fatigue Centers.

Why is my skin suddenly so sensitive?

Causes of sensitive skin reactions include: Skin disorders or allergic skin reactions such as eczema, rosacea, or allergic contact dermatitis. Overly dry or injured skin that can no longer protect nerve endings, leading to skin reactions.

How do you get clear skin with sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin may react with a red, dry, flaky, or bumpy rash when exposed to a trigger. This is especially true for products that are left on your skin, such as facial creams. … If you have sensitive skin, you may develop breakouts that look like acne with red bumps and pustules.

Is sensitive skin a skin type?

Sensitive Skin. Sensitive skin types may exhibit the characteristics of dry skin, oily skin, or combination skin, but they also deal with a great amount of redness and irritation. Normal skin types may also have sensitive skin, but these generally don't overlap.