What is considered excessive crying?

What is considered excessive crying?

Colic is the term used to describe infants who cry excessively for no apparent reason during the first three months of life. … Colic is defined as "excessive crying." An infant with colic usually cries for more than three hours per day on more than three days per week.

What do you do when a baby won t stop crying?

Call your pediatrician right away if your crying baby: Has been inconsolable for more than 2 hours. Has a temperature of more than 100.4 F. Won't eat or drink anything or is vomiting.

Why is my baby non stop crying?

Just as sucking on fingers or fists is a sign of hunger that shouldn't be ignored, crying is a sign of distress that should bring your immediate attention. Sometimes the cause of your baby's crying is obvious—like having a wet or dirty diaper or wanting to eat.