
What is batik used for?

What is batik used for?

Believed to originate from Asia batik is a way of dyeing fabric using wax to protect certain parts of the fabric so those parts don't absorb the dye. The wax is used to create patterns on the fabric and is removed after the dyeing process. This can create a marbled or mottled effect on the fabric.

What is the process of batik?

Batik is a process of using melted wax as a resist on fabric. The wax may be painted on a white or coloured fabric using a canting or brush or it may be stamped onto the fabric using a copper stamp dipped in melted wax. The fabric is then dyed, and the areas that have been waxed will not be penetrable by the dye.

What batik means?

The word batik originates from the Javanese tik and means to dot. To make a batik, selected areas of the cloth are blocked out by brushing or drawing hot wax over them, and the cloth is then dyed. The parts covered in wax resist the dye and remain the original colour.