
What is another word for torn down?

What is another word for torn down?

In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tear down, like: take-down, level, pull down, tear, raze, rase and dismantle.

What is the meaning of torn down?

Definition of tear down (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1a : to cause to decompose or disintegrate. b : vilify, denigrate trying to tear down his reputation. 2 : to take apart : disassemble tear down an engine.

Is it torn down or tore down?

View American English definition of tear down….tear down ​Definitions and Synonyms.

present tense
present participle tearing down
past tense tore down
past participle torn down

How do you say tear down?

Synonyms & Antonyms of tear down

  1. annihilate,
  2. cream,
  3. decimate,
  4. demolish,
  5. desolate,
  6. destroy,
  7. devastate,
  8. do in,

What is the synonyms of demolish?


  • cream,
  • decimate,
  • desolate,
  • destroy,
  • devastate,
  • do in,
  • extinguish,
  • How do you spell torn torn down?

    1. To demolish: tear down old tenements.
    2. To take apart; disassemble: tear down an engine.
    3. To vilify or denigrate.

    How do you spell tear as in RIP?

    1. Tear, rend, rip mean to pull apart. To tear is to split the fibers of something by pulling apart, usually so as to leave ragged or irregular edges: to tear open a letter. Rend implies force or violence in tearing apart or in pieces: to rend one’s clothes in grief.

    Had torn or had tore?

    ‘Tore’ is the past tense of tear, meaning to rip something. “I had to get a new piece of paper because I accidentally tore the other one.” ‘Torn’ is the adjective that means it has been ripped. “The old book had many torn pages and a stained cover.”

    How do you spell tearing up as in crying?

    to get tears in your eyes, so that you almost start to cry, because you are experiencing strong emotion: She teared up as the award was presented to her.

    What are the two meanings of tear?

    1 : to pull into two or more pieces by force This paper is easy to tear. 2 : to wound or injure by or as if by tearing : lacerate Use an ointment where you tore the skin. 3 : to remove by force I tore the notice from the wall. 4 : to move powerfully or swiftly A car tore up the street.

    What is the best synonyms for demolish?


    • annihilate.
    • devastate.
    • dismantle.
    • obliterate.
    • ruin.
    • smash.
    • trash.
    • wreck.

    What do you call destroying a building?

    Demolition, also known as razing, cartage, and wrecking is the science and engineering in safely and efficiently tearing down of buildings and other artificial structures. For small buildings, such as houses, that are only two or three stories high, demolition is a rather simple process.

    What’s the meaning of the word’tore down’?

    1 to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of vandals tore down the wooden fence blocking the entrance to the beach Synonyms for tore down

    Are there any synonyms for the word tear down?

    Synonyms for tear down. demolish, level, pull down, raze, unbuild.

    Are there any synonyms for the word rephrasing?

    Synonyms for rephrasing include rewording, paraphrase, restating, translation, translating, restatement, rendition, rendering, version and explanation. Find more