
What is another word for not knowing something?

What is another word for not knowing something?

What is another word for not knowing?

unknowing ignorant
innocent oblivious
unaware unconscious
uninformed unwitting
clueless incognizant

What is Incognant?

: lacking awareness or consciousness incognizant of the danger.

What is it called when you purposely ignore something?

Verb. To deliberately ignore (something that is generally frowned on) forgive. condone. overlook.

How do you describe someone who is unaware?

In this page you can discover 52 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unaware, like: oblivious, out-of-it, ignorant, innocent, inattentive, unapprised, uninformed, unknowing, unmindful, aware and blind.

Is Incognizantly a word?

adj. Lacking knowledge or awareness; unaware: incognizant of the new political situation. in·cog′ni·zance (-zəns) n.

What does Incogitant mean?

adjective. thoughtless; inconsiderate. not having the faculty of thought.

How do you respond when someone purposely ignores you?

Top 10 Things To Do When Someone Ignores You For No Reason.

  1. Give a Person a Little Space.
  2. Are You Sure that Person is Ignoring You?
  3. Then Find Out What Bothers Them.
  4. Stop Overthinking and Overreacting.
  5. Take It Easy.
  6. Go and Ask them Personally.
  7. Be Ready To Say Sorry.
  8. Ignore Them Back.

What’s a word for willfully ignorant?

willful ignorancenoun. Synonyms: vincible ignorance, willful blindness.

What’s another name for unaware?

What is another word for unaware?

ignorant unconscious
unwitting nescient
blind deaf
inattentive clueless
insensitive unacquainted

What is a person who is oblivious called?

In this page you can discover 52 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for oblivious, like: unaware, forgetful, unmindful, disregardful, inattentive, attentive, concerned, understanding, unconscious, blind and unrecognizing.

How do you use the word Incogitant?

Students too frequently entrust their education with lazy, ignorant, and incogitant tutors. The pharisaical, malefic, and incogitant guidelines for bias-free writing is a product of pointy-headed wowsers. Some people are incogitant and careless. The city was filled with incogitant litterbugs.

What is the new word for today?

Today’s Word of the Day is nocent.

What is an ignorant person?

The definition of ignorant is something or someone lacking in knowledge, or is stupid or rude. An example of ignorant is a person who is has no knowledge of politics. An example of ignorant is a dumb person with no knowledge about anything.

How do you say someone is unaware?


  1. clueless,
  2. ignorant,
  3. incognizant,
  4. innocent,
  5. insensible,
  6. nescient,
  7. oblivious,
  8. unacquainted,

What do you call a person who avoids reality?

In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person’s choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.

What is an example of oblivious?

The definition of oblivious is being forgetful or unaware of your surroundings. An example of oblivious is someone walking out into the street without looking to see if a car is coming.

What type of word is unsuspecting?

Unsuspecting is an adjective – Word Type.