
What is another word for master of ceremonies?

What is another word for master of ceremonies?

It means you take into consideration what the Dress Code is for the event and then going one step further in your Master of Ceremony Attire. If everyone is Dress Code Casual, then you go Smart Casual. If they are Smart Casual you should upgrade to Business or Cocktail Attire and so on.

What is MC in anchoring?

A master of ceremonies or MC, or Compere, or Anchor is a person in-charge or the official host of a ceremony, staged event, weddings or similar performances. … More often than not, the master of ceremonies also refers to the protocol officer during an official state function, specifically in the monarchies.

What MC stand for?

The term MC (Also spelled Emcee) stands for master of ceremonies but has been adopted by hip hop culture as a term to describe a rapper who acts as a crowd pleaser at live events.

Which is correct MC or emcee?

Emcee or MC. Emcee is of course just the phonetic spelling of the already shortened MC. How many other words are there in usage like that? “Okay” is probably the most widely used, but there's also “dejay” and “Dubya,” of course referring to former US President George W Bush.

What is the role of the master of ceremonies?

A master of ceremonies (also known as an MC or emcee) is the official host for a staged event, performance, or party. Normally, a master of ceremonies introduces speakers, makes announcements, and engages with the audience to keep the ceremony agenda flowing as smoothly as possible.