Common questions

What is an example of resolute?

What is an example of resolute?

The definition of resolute is being firm and unwavering in your convictions. An example of resolute is when you just keep trying and trying to learn piano no matter what setbacks you face.

Does William mean protector?

In English Baby Names the meaning of the name William is: Resolute protector; will. The firstborn son of Prince Charles is named William.

What is a resolute tone?

adjective. firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion: Her parents wanted her to marry, but she was focused on her education and remained resolute. characterized by firmness and determination, as the temper, spirit, actions, etc.: The mayor was asked to take resolute action against the looters.

How do I become more resolute?

6 Steps To Developing Resolute Determination

  1. Setting a spiritual intention.
  2. Keeping a resolution requires resolute determination.
  3. Be specific.
  4. Make a plan.
  5. Visualize each step.
  6. Re-set your resolution every day.
  7. Allocate time.
  8. Make yourself accountable.

How do you use resolute?

Resolute sentence example

  1. She entered the room with resolute steps.
  2. But he was not resolute in his opposition.
  3. A resolute shrug indicated his search was futile.
  4. The look of his eyes was resolute , calm, and animatedly alert, as never before.
  5. But Grant was as resolute as ever.

What is another word for resolute?

Some common synonyms of resolute are constant, faithful, loyal, staunch, and steadfast.

What is the sentence of suffer?

He died instantly and did not suffer. He suffered a heart attack and died instantly. She suffered an injury during the game. We suffered a great deal during the war.

What is the sentence of alleviate?

Alleviate sentence example. “It’s supposed to alleviate bad moods,” Dan said to Lana. But he’d won her as Kisolm’s younger brother, Romas, had decreed, which should alleviate any accusations brought on by their clan, if Kisolm’s father talked some sense into the arrogant crown prince.

What is meant by alleviate?

transitive verb. : relieve, lessen: such as. a : to make (something, such as pain or suffering) more bearable a drug that alleviates the symptoms using relaxation techniques to alleviate stress To draw customers, [Richard G.]

What is the sentence of refuge?

A huge oak tree provided a refuge from the storm. 27. She took refuge in the library, where she could read to her heart’s content.

What is the sentence of determined?

1 A wanderer who is determined to reach his destination does not fear the rain. 2 I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation. 3 He launched a determined attack on academic criticism. 4 She has determined on going this afternoon.

What is the sentence of mad with anger?

Bethrezen, trapped inside the molten core of Nevendaar grew mad with anger and thirst for revenge at the Highfather and the creatures of the world. Ka Likai realized what had happened in her absence and went mad with anger and grief and started running as she swung a hatchet in her hand.

What is the meaning of mad with anger?

1 a feeling of great annoyance or antagonism as the result of some real or supposed grievance; rage; wrath.

What is the meaning of fit of fury?

full of anger

What does a fit of rage mean?

to display a very bad temper, often by screaming a lot. to throw a tantrum. an outburst that is often seen as unreasonable given the circumstances. an outburst against someone when you feel that you have been wronged.

What is the sentence of reveal the secret?

Example sentences. reveal a secret. The star revealed the secrets of her life in fashion. At first Miller was reluctant to reveal his secret.

What is the meaning of reveal the secret?

1 : to make known through divine inspiration. 2 : to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known reveal a secret.

What does unraveled mean?

1a : to disengage or separate the threads of : disentangle. b : to cause to come apart by or as if by separating the threads of. 2 : to resolve the intricacy, complexity, or obscurity of : clear up unravel a mystery. intransitive verb.

What are things that unravel?

Unravel is defined as to solve, untangle or undo, or to become untangled. An example of unravel is to solve a mystery. An example of unravel is to have the threads separate on a sweater. An example of unravel is to untangle a jumble of electrical cords.

What does unravel mean in reading?

One way to make this information easier to retrieve is to use an acronym to help provide an easy-to-remember, step-by-step method of analyzing a text. One such method is commonly known as UNRAVEL, and this strategy will help you unravel the important parts of whatever you choose to read. U Underline the title.

How do you spell Unravelling?

Correct spelling for the English word “unraveling” is [ʌnɹˈavəlɪŋ], [ʌnɹˈavəlɪŋ], [ʌ_n_ɹ_ˈa_v_ə_l_ɪ_ŋ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What are some examples of mulling over?

Example Sentences You should mull over getting back to your ex again. I am mulling over the expansion of my business to overseas. You have been mulling things over for weeks now, if you don’t give them an answer soon, they will employ someone else. My friend is mulling over the idea of adopting a baby.

What does Ravel mean?

entangle, confuse


What is an example of resolute?

What is an example of resolute?

The definition of resolute is being firm and unwavering in your convictions. An example of resolute is when you just keep trying and trying to learn piano no matter what setbacks you face. adjective.

What does resolute mean use it in a sentence?

Definition of Resolute. very determined, persistent. Examples of Resolute in a sentence. 1. After such a heart-breaking loss, every member of the team was more resolute than ever to win the next game against their arch-rivals.

Is it good to be resolute?

Resolute leaders are highly determined and persistent. They have the inner strength to give people courage during hard times. If you’re a resolute leader you might see yourself as highly competent, determined, rational, independent, and up for a challenge. You set high standards for yourself and others.

What is a resolute person?

The dictionary meaning of ‘Resolute’ is ‘being admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering’. A resolute person has the courage to act with conviction in the face of uncertainty and risk.

Can you use resolute as a verb?

(transitive) To determine or decide in purpose; to make ready in mind; to fix; to settle.

What is a 6 word sentence?

I just had a new baby! He likes everything on his pizza. It’s hard to get something free. My daughter is six years old.

How do people become resolute?

Tips for Becoming More Resolute:

  1. Set specific, aggressive, and concrete goals and make sure they are clearly communicated to all involved.
  2. Inquire about results on a regular basis.
  3. Analyze what went wrong if goals are not met.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask others to help you identify problems and inefficiencies.

What is a resolute statement?

Resolve to Define Resolute Essentially, when you resolve a question or problem, you come to a conclusion, and once you’ve reached a conclusion you can proceed to act. Unfortunately, New Year’s resolutions aren’t a good illustration of the meaning of resolute, since only about one in ten actually seems to succeed.

What does resolute mean definition?

The definition of resolute is being firm and unwavering in your convictions. An example of resolute is when you just keep trying and trying to learn piano no matter what setbacks you face. YourDictionary definition and usage example.

Can resolute be used as an adjective?

resolute Use the adjective resolute to describe a purposeful and determined person, someone who wants to do something very much, and won’t let anything get in the way. “Milo thought for just a moment and then, with a resolute ‘I shall,’ volunteered to go,” Norton Juster writes in the classic children’s novel The Phantom Tollbooth.

What is the adjective for Resolute?

Choose the Right Synonym for resolute. Adjective. faithful, loyal, constant, staunch, steadfast, resolute mean firm in adherence to whatever one owes allegiance. faithful implies unswerving adherence to a person or thing or to the oath or promise by which a tie was contracted.