What is a Papillon look like?

What is a Papillon look like?

The Papillon's long, flowing coat is straight, fine, and silky, with no undercoat. Cascading down his chest is a frill of hair. His beautiful butterfly-like ears are fringed with hair, and the insides are covered with medium-length silken hair. … The Papillon is always parti-colored, white with patches of any color.

What do Papillon puppies look like?

The papillon is a small, dainty-looking dog with ears that flare from its head like the wings of a butterfly. The coat is long and silky, and the tail is a waving plume. … The coat is generally white with patches of black, red, orange tan, or sable.

What breeds make up a papillon?

The Papillon breed is descended from one of the original toy breeds, the miniature Spaniel. Originally called the Dwarf Spaniel, Squirrel Dog, and Toy Spaniel, this little dog with a big personality has enjoyed a long and pampered history amongst the European elite for over 700 years.

Do Papillon dogs shed?

Shedding. I mention this only because some breeders are marketing their dogs light shedding or hypoallergenic. It isn't true. Papillons shed on the light side of average, but considerably more than a truly light-shedding breed like a Toy Poodle or Maltese.