What is a model of the solar system called?

What is a model of the solar system called?

An orrery is a mechanical model of the Solar System that illustrates or predicts the relative positions and motions of the planets and moons, usually according to the heliocentric model.

How do you make a rotating solar system model?

Attach each planet by pushing a wire through the center of the Styrofoam ball. Twist the end of the wire into a loop to hold the ball in place. Make sure the planets are placed in the correct order. Carve a small opening in the sun.

How do you make a wizard Orrery?

An Orrery is a mechanical model of the Solar System. Here you can make a simple Orrery, showing the Sun, Earth and Moon, and how they move. … You could also try orbiting the Earth around the Sun to see how it moves throughout a year.