What is a Leroy lettering set?

What is a Leroy lettering set?

The LEROY lettering set was a popular mechanical lettering tem- plate used by professionals from the 1940s to the 1970s. It was invented by the Keuffel & Esser Company. The tem- plate was put along the top edge of a T square or the straight edge of a draft- ing machine (Integrated Publishing: Mechanical Lettering).

What is architectural lettering?

Architectural lettering is a great way to improve your handwriting. This style of handwriting, simply stated, are uniform block letters that are easy to read. This lettering was established by architects long ago so that all writing on blueprints were legible; therefore costly mistakes would not be made.

What is lettering in technical drawing?

Technical lettering is the process of forming letters, numerals, and other characters in technical drawing. It is used to describe, or provide detailed specifications for, an object. Lower case letters are rare in most drawings of machines.

What are the different types of lettering?

So, what are the different types of lettering?

  • Sans serif.
  • Serif.
  • Cursive / Script.
  • Vintage.
  • Gothic – Blackletter calligraphy.
  • Graffiti.
  • Creative lettering.
  • Other sub-lettering styles.

What font do architects use on blueprints?

Helvetica. The majority of architects, even without advanced knowledge of graphic design, intuitively select sans serif typefaces, due to its minimalism and straight lines. Among the most used texts, as well as the previous case, Helvetica is notorious among professionals.

What do you need to know about Leroy lettering set?

The Leroy Lettering Set is basically a pantograph. One end of it traces the letters off the template, moving the other end of it which has a pen attached. More specifically, the key to its operation is this component, called the scriber: This is the tracer pin. You stick this down into the grooved letter forms on the template.

How does the Leroy pantograph lettering set work?

The Leroy Lettering Set is basically a pantograph. One end of it traces the letters off the template, moving the other end of it which has a pen attached. More specifically, the key to its operation is this component, called the scriber: Here’s how it works:

When did K + E Leroy lettering tools become popular?

In 1937 the K+E Leroy lettering tools were released and became so popular that by the 1960’s the GSA required all engineering documents being submitted to the US Government to be lettered in the K+E Gothic template. Each guide contains a series of characters engraved into the surface (PVC in this case, but celluloid in the past).

How does a Keuffel and Esser Leroy lettering guide work?

Each guide contains a series of characters engraved into the surface (PVC in this case, but celluloid in the past). The stylus (seen to the right) follows these engravings and transfers them to paper via an attached ink nib, pen or pencil. The stylus can be adjusted to write at an angle with the adjustment of one of the arms.