What household items can you use to clean vinyl records?

What household items can you use to clean vinyl records?

For a deeper cleaning, you can make a cleaning solution by mixing 3 parts distilled water, 1 part isopropyl alcohol, and a few drops of dish detergent. Then, place your record on a cleaning mat, drizzle this solution onto the record, and wipe the record with a microfiber cloth.

Is it OK to clean vinyl records with alcohol?

Wash The Record In particular, we recommend avoiding any that contain isopropyl alcohol. While it will clean the muck off your record, many people report that over time it'll also damage the protective coating on your vinyl. If you are going to use a solution with isopropyl alcohol – use is sparingly.

Can you clean vinyl records with Windex?

That means Windex, soap, kitchen dish liquid, paper towels, etc etc. … Windex can make a record look clean but give it the "Crackles". To clean a record you need nothing but distilled water and a fruit cleaning brush.

Do you need to clean vinyl records?

Generally, you should always wipe any dust and dirt away from your vinyl records from the moment you bring them home. … Dry the record completely before you play it. You can also use a record cleaning brush made from carbon fibers as part of your routine cleaning and maintenance routine.