
What happens when you cook with beer?

What happens when you cook with beer?

Beer adds a rich, earthy flavor to soups and stews that makes them taste like they've been simmering for hours. Beers with a sweet or nutty taste can add depth to desserts. And don't worry about getting drunk – virtually all of the alcohol evaporates during the cooking process.

Can I cook with beer?

As much as we like to savor a beer on its own, beer is not just for washing down pretzels on game day, but can be used in cooking — similar to the way you can cook with wine. Cooking with beer adds a deep, earthy flavor to savory dishes such as chili, soup, and stew; and a nutty, caramelized flavor to baked goods.

What’s a good beer to cook with?

There are some always-safe options when choosing your beer. Relatively lighter ales (pale ale, amber, or light brown ale) will complement nearly all beer-recipes and so are a great default choice. That said, it's also safe to stay away from IPAs (India Pale Ales) in your cooking.