
What happens if you get caught without a building permit?

What happens if you get caught without a building permit?

If you get caught without the proper building permits, you risk not only fines, penalties and additional construction costs, but you could also find it difficult to sell your home in the future.

What size shed can I build without a permit in Florida?

Hillsborough County does not require a building permit as long as the shed is below 150 square feet. Pinellas County does not require a building permit as long as this shed is not over 100 square feet. Walton County will let you build a shed of up to 400 square feet without a building permit.

How big of a structure can I build without a permit?

Such structures shall not have a floor area that exceeds 120 square feet and the height above grade shall not exceed 12 feet. No more than one structure may be allowed under this exemption unless separated from another permit exempt structure by more than 50 feet.

Do you need a permit to pour concrete in your backyard?

Check with the local authority as to whether a permit is required to build a patio. A permit isn't automatically required to build an on-grade patio, whether it's concrete, brick or any other material. Requirements vary widely in local governments, ranging from relaxed to stringent.

Do I need a permit to pour a concrete slab in Florida?

The following construction improvements are not regulated under the Florida Building Code. Therefore, a building permit is not required. However, other regulating agencies may require a permit or approval. Surfacing of floors or slabs with carpet, tile, brick, wood or Chattahoochee.

Do you need a permit to hang drywall in Florida?

The state of Florida has specific lists of tasks that require statewide licenses, but the list can be a little confusing. … There is no license required to put in flooring, but you need a license to install drywall in any structure.

Do I need a permit to remodel my bathroom in Florida?

Most electrical or plumbing renovations need a permit, such as bathroom remodels. If you plan to do an interior remodel and only change the visual elements of your bathroom, a permit is not required.

Can a homeowner install HVAC in Florida?

Commencing March 15, 2012 when a homeowner's air conditioning system cannot be repaired rather, must be replaced, the contractor or homeowner must obtain a permit from the applicable governing building department. Section 553.912, Florida Statutes provides: Air conditioners.

Can you pull a permit after the work is done?

Dear K.J.: Yes, you can file for a permit after the work has been done, but it's unfortunately going to cost you some extra money and time. … As the homeowner, you are now responsible for pulling the permits.

Do I need a permit to remodel my kitchen in Florida?

The quick answer is: only if you are moving or adding plumbing, electrical, mechanical, or walls within the home. So if you are refinishing your cabinets – you will not need a permit.

Do I need a permit for pavers in Florida?

Do I need a permit for pavers? Pavers are not considered a “permanent” structure like concrete but in some cases require a permit. You can preliminarily check with your city, county or HOA. … 3) A licensed contractor can further direct you as to what is needed.

How do you get around building permits?

Best way to get around the codes is to build as far back as possible out of sight, and only have walk-in access, you park at the gate. The inspectors have to have probable cause (see something) or (have a complaint filed) to access your land. Get a copy of the laws and research your rights.

What is the process for getting a building permit?

The simple answer is yes. In most cases, building permits are required for the installation of impact windows in Florida. This is especially true in South Florida – particularly Broward and Miami-Dade counties – which are classified High-Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ).

Do I need a permit to install a water heater in Florida?

In Florida, if the damage to your the water heater has not compromised the effectiveness of the water heater, and repairs can be done without the need of removing or replacing the water heater, you are not required to pull a permit.

Do I need a permit for painting?

Other projects you can do without a permit include: Painting and wallpapering. Installing flooring like hardwood, carpeting, linoleum or vinyl tile. Minor electrical repairs.

Does contractor or homeowner get permit?

The property owner or a contractor licensed by the State of California can obtain permits. Tenants may obtain a permit if they have the written permission of the property owner and the property owner signs the permit documents. It is always best if a licensed contractor obtains the permit.