What happens if malware is detected?

What happens if malware is detected?

Although malware cannot damage the physical hardware of systems or network equipment (with one known exception—see the Google Android section below), it can steal, encrypt, or delete your data, alter or hijack core computer functions, and spy on your computer activity without your knowledge or permission.

What is the most dangerous type of malware?

Malware infection occurs when malware, or malicious software, infiltrates your computer. Malware is a type of software created with the intent of damaging the victim's computer, stealing private information or spying on a computer without the consent of the user. … Each of these malware types have varying capabilities.

What is example of malware?

Malware is a contraction for “malicious software.” Examples of common malware includes viruses, worms, Trojan viruses, spyware, adware, and ransomware.

Can malware steal credit card info?

There are many types of malware that can infect your computer, but the types that can steal your data are simply called "information stealers." They are made up of things like keyloggers, screen recorders and memory scrapers. … Using this method, a hacker can steal any data from computer passwords to credit card numbers.

What are examples of spyware?

Spyware is mostly classified into four types: adware, system monitors, tracking cookies, and trojans; examples of other notorious types include digital rights management capabilities that "phone home", keyloggers, rootkits, and web beacons.

What are malware attacks?

A malware attack is a type of cyberattack in which malware or malicious software performs activities on the victim's computer system, usually without his/her knowledge.

What is TrickBot malware?

TrickBot is a modular banking trojan that targets sensitive information and acts as a dropper for other malware. … These campaigns send unsolicited emails that direct users to download malware from malicious websites or trick the user into opening malware through an attachment.

What is malware and its examples?

Malware. Short for "malicious software," malware refers to software programs designed to damage or do other unwanted actions on a computer system. … Common examples of malware include viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware.

Is malware a phishing?

Malware is a word used to describe any type of malicious software. It encompasses all terms used for this type of software to include, viruses, ransomware, Trojans, adware, spyware, etc. … Phishing is one way of delivering malware and using it to gather and obtain access to this sensitive data.