What happens if a concussion goes untreated?

What happens if a concussion goes untreated?

If a concussion is left untreated, many of these symptoms will persist. Sensitivity to light, sore eyes, and blurry vision are all common, as are headaches, fatigue, and interrupted sleep, which could lead to emotional and cognitive issues.

How long does a concussion take to heal?

In most cases, concussion recovery takes about 7 to 10 days . However, if you don't get enough rest or follow your doctor's recommendations, recovery may take a bit longer. Learn more about how long concussions last. In addition, some people develop a condition called post-concussion syndrome.

Should I go to ER for Concussion?

The best answer: when in doubt, get prompt medical attention. … It's critical to seek immediate medical attention in a hospital or emergency department if any of these symptoms are present: Loss of consciousness, even if only briefly. Any period of amnesia, or loss of memory for the event.

How do you know when your concussion is gone?

While you still have symptoms (like a headache, trouble seeing well, or changes in mood), you'll need to limit yourself to staying home to sleep or sit quietly. … When all your symptoms are gone, you should return to physical activities slowly. Rest your mind.

What does a concussion headache feel like?

Concussion headaches can have a feeling of tension, tightness, and/or pressure. The feeling of increasing pressure in the head is often indicative of an autonomic nervous system headache.

How do doctors treat concussions?

However, most concussions don't require surgery or any major medical treatment. If the concussion is causing headaches, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).

What is the concussion protocol?

A concussion protocol is an organization's set of policies, tools, and assessments for caring for a concussion. It outlines how the concussion care team prepares for and responds to this injury.