What ear gauge is the point of no return?

What ear gauge is the point of no return?

'The Point of No Return' is the point at which your stretched ears will most likely not ever go back to normal once taken out, and you will be left with holes in your ears forever, without the intervention of surgery. 'The Point of No Return' is roughly considered to be about the 8mm (0GA) mark.

Why do my gauges stink?

The reason your ear gauges smell bad is because they're sitting in your ear. Your skin sheds almost every hour on the hour and all of those dead skin cells are left sitting on the gauge. Thus the stinky smell. To prevent this, a strict cleaning regiment is needed.

Does 00g shrink back?

Most people can go between 2g (6mm) – 00g (10mm) and expect their ears to revert back to a normal piercing after a few months of healing. If you want don't want stretched ears to be a permanent part of your look stay in that smaller 6mm-10mm range and be sure to stretch slowly and never skip sizes.

Why do my pierced ears stink?

Your body secretes a substance called sebum as part of its normal everyday work. … Mix sebum with some dead skin cells and a little bit of bacteria, and you get some really potent smelling piercings! The discharge is semi-solid and smells like stinky cheese.

What size gauge will shrink back?

Most professionals in the piercing world suggest going no larger than a 0 gauge, preferably a 2 gauge, if you want your ears to shrink back to standard size. If you stop at this point, you should have no problem with your ears shrinking back.

What size gauge can you not go back from?

Most professionals in the piercing world suggest going no larger than a 0 gauge, preferably a 2 gauge, if you want your ears to shrink back to standard size. If you stop at this point, you should have no problem with your ears shrinking back.

How long does it take to gauge your ears?

As a general rule of thumb, you should wait a minimum of 3-4 months before stretching a fresh soft tissue piercing, and healed ear lobe piercings can often be stretched at the rate of one size (about 1mm to 1.5mm or 1/16") each 30 to 45 days, minimum.

How long does it take for gauges to close up?

You're looking at perhaps 3 to 4 months, or a few months more, depending on how fast of a healer you are. A very slow healer, like someone who is chronically ill, (like me), could take closer to a year. I'm pretty sure the first estimate, maybe a month longer, is how long it took my brother's 00 ears to heal.

How Big Should I stretch my ears?

Most professionals in the piercing world suggest going no larger than a 0 gauge, preferably a 2 gauge, if you want your ears to shrink back to standard size. If you stop at this point, you should have no problem with your ears shrinking back.

Do stretched ears smell?

The odor will be stronger while you are stretching your ears. This is because the ear is trying to heal and will produce more sebum and dead skin. When you get to your desired ear gauge you will notice less of an odor. The other part of the smell is the plug itself.

What’s the biggest gauge size that will close?

There are a lot of different opinions on this topic, but the majority of professionals in the body modification industry recommend never going any larger than 2 – 0 gauge if you want your ears to totally close up where you can't see through them.

How can I gauge my ears without pain?

Gradually decrease the size of the gauge you wear. Go down one size, and wait until the size shrinks up around that smaller gauge. Once it fits properly, go down another size until you reach the smallest gauge. Once you reach this point, your hole should be able to close on its own.

What’s the smallest gauge size for ears?

Ears are typically pierced using an 18 or 20 gauge, so 14 is the largest size you can start on and avoid damaging your ears. Starting at any larger than this size puts your ear at-risk of tearing.

How can I close my gauged ears fast?

Gradually decrease the size of the gauge you wear. Go down one size, and wait until the size shrinks up around that smaller gauge. Once it fits properly, go down another size until you reach the smallest gauge. Once you reach this point, your hole should be able to close on its own.

Should I gauge my ears?

Many piercers agree that you shouldn't go beyond 2G or 0G for the best chances of your ears going back to normal. If it's very important to you that your ears go back to normal, then you should probably stick to even smaller gauges, since healing at those sizes still isn't guaranteed.

How do I stop my ears from stretching?

To avoid your lobes tearing again—or to try to prevent them from stretching a ton over time—it's a good idea to alternate between light earrings that feel like you're wearing nothing and ornate ones that may feel more like your ears are weight training.

How long does it take for stretched ears to heal?

Give your ears at least 4 to 6 weeks to heal in between stretching. Yes, 4 to 6 weeks is a long time to wait for something, but patience really is a virtue in this case. You risk damaging the only ears you have if you go too fast! The tissue needs time to heal and regain the elasticity needed to keep stretching.

Do earlobes grow back if you cut them off?

Yes, but with more difficulty. The outer part of your ear, known as the pinna, funnels sound into your ear canal, like a megaphone in reverse. If someone cut it off, everything would sound quieter. … So, if you lost your ears, you might be able to tell what music you're hearing, but not where the speakers are.

Will earring holes ever close?

Earring holes usually stay open for at least a day or two once a few months have passed after the original piercing. The holes often stay open for a few weeks or longer if they have been there for several years of earring use. It is unlikely that the holes have completely closed after only a few hours.