What does Tridentine Mass mean?

What does Tridentine Mass mean?

The Tridentine Mass, also known as the Traditional Latin Mass (often abbreviated as TLM) or Usus Antiquior, is the Roman Rite Mass of the Catholic Church. … These Masses "may — observing all the norms of law — also be attended by faithful who, of their own free will, ask to be admitted".

How long is Tridentine Mass?

A low Mass could last 15–20 minutes. I used to serve a traditional Mass every day in the monastery, and every Wednesday in the major seminary, and the priest usually said a requiem, which usually lasting under 20 minutes. A solemn high Mass (sung with incense and a choir) could last well over an hour).

What is a spoken mass?

A sung Mass in turn is a 'High' or Solemn Mass if celebrated with the assistance of sacred ministers (deacon and subdeacon); without them it is a Missa Cantata. The term "Low Mass" is also commonly used by Christians of other denominations to refer to a spoken, not sung, form of their own Eucharistic celebrations.

Is Latin Mass allowed?

The Vatican announced today that Pope John Paul II would allow limited use of the Latin- only Tridentine Mass, which was banned worldwide two decades ago.