
What does put a spell on you mean?

What does put a spell on you mean?

"To put a spell on someone" means that you are enchanting them or deeply influencing them. the 'spells' act by suggestion. A more powerful mind (yours) acting on a weeker (the other person's). And this other person needs to fully believe (Belief is a key word here) that you are more powerful and it is going to work.

How do you cast a spell in 5e?

When it comes time to cast a spell, you use up a spell slot that is the same level as the spell or higher. For example: your character has two 1st level Spell Slots, and one 2nd level Spell Slot. You want to cast Burning Hands, a 1st level Spell.

What is spell magic?

1. magic spell – a verbal formula believed to have magical force; "he whispered a spell as he moved his hands"; "inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese" magical spell, charm, spell.