
What does it mean to calibrate a pipette?

What does it mean to calibrate a pipette?

The calibration of pipette is carried out by gravimetric method. When determining the volume of water, the accuracy of measurements is effected by ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity. These factors are usually combined to give the Z factor, used in calculation of volume of water.

What is calibration and how it is done?

Calibration is a comparison between a known measurement (the standard) and the measurement using your instrument. Typically, the accuracy of the standard should be ten times the accuracy of the measuring device being tested. However, accuracy ratio of 3:1 is acceptable by most standards organizations.

What is Z factor in pipette calibration?

The volume of water can be determined by weighting dispensed water. … These factors are usually combined to give the Z factor, used in calculation of volume of water. Then the calculated volume of water is compared with the theoretical volume to determine the accuracy and precision of the pipette.

What is calibration of glassware?

Glassware is commonly calibrated using a liquid of known, specific density, and an analytical balance. … For these items (such as pipets), the proper procedure is to fill the item with the appropriate volume of liquid, and then dispense the liquid into a previously weighed container of suitable size.